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Welcome to Abington Library

Abington Library welcomes the ASU-Beebe campus community and kindly asks those under 18, not students at ASU-Beebe, to please check in at the circulation desk with photo identification. Our mission is to provide a center of academic support for the ASU–Beebe campuses and the communities they serve. This is done by providing print and electronic scholarly resources, assisting library users in the research process, and providing space and computer access for study, research and exchange of information.

Circulation Services

The library circulates a wide variety of printed and electronic books, movies, audiobooks and CDs. Books can be checked out for 28 days and renewed for another 28 days. Audio-visual materials can be checked out for five days and renewed for another five days. The ASU-Beebe ID card is used as the library card. Non-students can also check out materials and obtain an ASU-Beebe non-student ID card. Check with the library for more information. Inquiries may be made regarding patron accounts via the library catalog by clicking "my account", then entering the patron ID card number and six-digit birth date. Once in the circulation system, you can change your password to something more memorable. You can also renew items through the system. In addition, you can find the cost for late books, fines and damaged materials in the library policies and procedures handout.

Find Information

Whether you are looking for an article for a research paper or a book for leisure reading, our tools will help you locate exactly what you are looking for. You can use our library catalog to find books, eBooks, movies and more. You can also click on the audio-visual list to see our selection of movies, audiobooks and CDs. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us and we will be glad to answer them.

Off-Campus Access: To access our online databases off-campus, you will need to be affiliated with ASU-Beebe as a student, faculty or staff. When you open one of the databases, it will ask you for a username and password. The username should be the beginning of your ASU-Beebe email address before the "@" symbol. The password should be the same as your ASU-Beebe email account. If your password doesn't work, try clearing your browser history, exit the browser and try again. Sometimes the browser can remember an incorrect password. If that doesn't work, contact

The library catalog does not require any username and password to access. However, if you use several checkout options regarding your account, you will need to enter your ASU-Beebe ID number and six-digit birthdate. From there, you can place holds, renew items and verify what you have checked out.

Library Staff

Tracy D. Smith | Library Director

Ronald S. Russ | Electronic & Public Services Librarian

John Clowers | Circulation Supervisor

Mathew McGillvray | Library Technician

Kimberly Dailey | Library Technician

April Frost | Library Technician

Megan Stane | Library Technician

Ashley Gibson | Administrative Specialist

Important Info

Fall & Spring Semesters
Monday to Thursday | 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Friday | 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Saturday | 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Sunday | 1 to 5 p.m.

Summer Terms
Monday to Thursday | 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Friday | 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Saturday | Closed
Sunday | 1 to 5 p.m.

Holiday & intersession hours will vary.

Library Policies/Procedures
Library Computer Use Policy

Contact Info

Abington Library

204 North Palm Street

Beebe, AR 72012


Tracy Smith | Head Librarian
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