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Advising & Learning Center
Meet with your academic advisor each semester!

The Advising and Learning Center staff includes full-time professionals on multiple ASU-Beebe campuses who are experienced, qualified and committed to your academic success. Carefully selected part-time and student tutors also assist students. The Learning Center offers free, walk-in tutoring for a variety of subjects taught on our campuses. Students usually see a tutor within a few minutes, but there might be a wait during peak hours.  
What is an Advisor?
Advisors are individuals that help you plan your academic career. They guide you in choosing classes and direct you through the college process. Students should meet with their academic advisor each semester for assistance and guidance with degree planning, registration and connecting to valuable resources on campus.

New and Returning Student Advisors
Staff advisors in the Advising and Learning Center office will advise most new and returning students during the first semester. You can visit the new student advising & registration page for more details on how to schedule an advising appointment.
Current Students Advisors
Faculty advisor information can be found on your Banner Self-Service portal homepage under the advisor heading on the right. Students can send the assigned faculty academic advisor a secure message through the Banner Self-Service Portal. 
Online Tutoring Lab
All ASU-Beebe students have access to the new online tutoring lab through Canvas. Students can self-enroll in the course by accessing Canvas in the portal and reviewing the list of available courses. Free online tutoring resources include instructional videos, Q&A discussion sections, on-campus tutoring schedules, test-prep resources and scheduling links to set a phone appointment with a tutor. 

Study Groups 
Professional tutors lead weekly study groups for a variety of subjects ranging from microcomputer applications to chemistry. Sessions are available in-person as well as online via Zoom. Study group schedules can be found in the online tutoring lab in Canvas. 

Free Tutoring
The Advising and Learning Center provides free tutoring for all ASU-Beebe students with no appointment necessary. All of our full-time tutors have degrees in the subject matter they are tutoring. Part-time professional tutors and peer tutors are also available to work with students.

Online Writing Tutor
The ASU-Beebe Advising and Learning Center now offers tutoring via email with our online writing tutor. Students can get help by sending an email to Students should include their name and student ID number in the subject line of their email. Also, please include a copy of the original assignment(s) so our writing tutors will be able to better assist you. Papers will be returned within 24 to 48 hours with suggestions from one of the Learning Center writing tutors.

Textbook and Calculator Rental, Computer Lab
Students may check-out calculators and available textbooks while working in the Advising and Learning Center. Computer labs are available on the Beebe, Heber Springs and Searcy campuses for all ASU-Beebe students during office hours.

New Student Academic Advising
In addition to tutoring and learning center services, our full-time staff assists with academic advising for new students.
Tutor schedules can be found by accessing the online tutoring lab in Canvas. Tutoring services are free for students - no appointment necessary! Tutoring is not limited to the subjects listed on the schedule.
Need Online Assistance?
  • Email your paper to from your ASU-Beebe email account.
  • Include your name, student number and assignment instructions with your paper.
  • You should receive a response within 48 business hours.
To help make your tutoring session more productive, we ask you to remember to:
  • Bring your books, notes and study materials.
  • Sign in and out each visit.
  • Try the assignment on your own first.
  • Ask questions and communicate your needs to the tutor.
  • Respect others by avoiding loud talking.
Tutoring Can Help:
  • Develop good study habits.
  • Enhance existing skills.
  • Increase self-confidence.
  • Increase understanding of the subject matter.
Tutors Will Not:
  • Do homework for students.
  • Help with take-home tests/quizzes.
  • Help with test corrections or extra credit work.
  • Offer more than one proofread per paper.
Please Remember:
  • Food and drinks are not permitted in the Learning Center.
  • To maintain the learning environment, children are not allowed in the Learning Center.
  • Cell phones should be set on vibrate or silent. Please take all calls outside of the Learning Center.
  • Tutors are hired and trained to help with 1000 and 2000-level courses. ASU-Beebe tutors may not be able to help with 3000 and 4000-level courses taken through the A-State Degree Center.
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Important Info

Advising & Learning Center
Dr. Eugene McKay Student Center
Office Hours:
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Contact Info

Beebe Campus | 501.882.8867
McKay Student Center, Room 200

Heber Springs Campus | 501.362.1121
Student Services Bldg, 2nd Floor

Searcy Campus | 501.207.6252
Main Building, Room 107

LRAFB | 501.882.4582

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