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Credits, Program Length & Tuition

Credit Hour Policy

ASU-Beebe defines credit hours according to the federal standard. The credit hour value of a traditional course is calculated as follows: a clock hour of instructional time is the equivalent of 50 minutes of class time or 60 minutes of independent-study work, and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class work is expected for every hour (50 minutes) of instructional time.

For every course credit hour, the typical student should expect to spend at least three clock hours per week of concentrated attention on course-related work, including but not limited to time attending class, as well as out-of-class time spent reading, reviewing, organizing notes, preparing for upcoming quizzes/exams, problem-solving, developing and completing projects, and other activities that enhance learning. Thus, for a three-hour course, a typical student should expect to spend at least nine hours per week dedicated to the course.

Our credit hour definition does not emphasize the concept of time in class as the only metric for determining the amount of student learning. Alternative delivery methods, measurements of student work, academic calendars and disciplines may also be utilized for student learning. Credits can be awarded based on documentation of the amount of work a typical student is expected to complete within a semester at ASU-Beebe.  This documentation is clearly explained in each course syllabus.

Program Length & Curricular Policies

Program Length: Arkansas Code Annotated 6-61-208 charges the Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board (AHECB) with the responsibility to evaluate proposals for all new units of instruction, research and public service consistent with the established role and scope designations and to approve programs and organizational units based on established policies. As such, ASU-Beebe must follow program length requirements set forth by the AHECB and described in the Arkansas Division of Higher Education's (ADHE) Academic Affairs Policies and Procedures Handbook. The breakdown of associate degree types, along with general education and total credit hour requirements are, as follows:

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Curricular Policies: The ASU-Beebe Curriculum Committee is guided in its deliberations by the mission of the institution, the needs of the present and prospective student body, the responsibility to professional colleagues in education and the various academic disciplines, and concern for effective articulation with other institutions. The committee:
  • Advises and recommends on matters affecting the content of courses, degree programs, and the total curriculum of instruction.
  • Makes specific recommendations on requests to add, modify, or delete courses, degrees, degree plans and certificates in accordance with ADHE and HLC policies and procedures.
  • Reviews course descriptions and syllabi at the direction of the Chair.
  • Transmits its recommendations to the Shared Governance Council.
More information about the purpose and membership of the Curriculum Committee can be found in its Charge Document.
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