Program Outcomes
- Demonstrate an ability to communicate about projects with and for a client.
- Understand the language of business and elementary financial accounting principles.
- Develop the knowledge and skills to manage the resources of a business.
- Demonstrate the ability to make business decisions legally and ethically.
- Develop a foundation level of visual literacy.
- Have proficiency in their chosen medium/media.
Costs & Fees
Thomas Fernandez | Assistant Professor of Art
Beebe Campus | England Center 121
Dr. Lisa Floryshak | Assistant Professor of Art
Beebe Campus | England Center 119
Chad Duncheon | Instructor of Business
Beebe Campus | Business & Agriculture
Dr. David Jones | Program Director Arts & Humanities | Professor of English
Beebe Campus | Owen Center 170
Dr. Dava Brock, Ed.D. L.P.C. | Dean of Arts and Humanities
Professor of Psychology
Beebe Campus | Owen Center 135-C