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ASU-Beebe Governance Groups

ASU-Beebe Governance Groups
Chancellor Dr. Jennifer Methvin 501.882.8956 |
Vice Chancellor for Academics Dr. Jason Goodner 501.882.8830 |
Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration | Roger Moore 501.882.8835 |
Vice Chancellor for Information Technology Services Wade Fincher 501.882.8887
Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Sevices | Dr. Blake Perkins | 501.362.1212 |
Interim Associate Vice Chancellor of Institutional Advancement | Andrea Cole 501.882.8903  |
Associate Vice Chancellor of Institutional Effectiveness Katherine Vaughn 501.882.8826 |

The purpose of the Shared Governance Council (SGC) is to serve as the primary shared governance body of the institution, promoting communication and collaboration throughout all levels of the institution. The Shared Governance Council Charge Document presents a condensed framework of the SGC to include purpose, meeting schedule, charge/deliverables and membership. The Shared Governance Council Bylaws presents the framework that governs the council.

The Faculty Senate is a representative organization composed of elected officers and senators from ASU-Beebe's academic divisions. The officers are president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and chairman ex-officio, the immediate past president of the Faculty Senate. The vice president is elected for a two-year term serving as the vice president the first year and the president the second year. The secretary and treasurer is elected for a two-year term. Faculty members are eligible to run for these positions and vote on the candidates by being full-time faculty members of ASU-Beebe in accordance with Faculty Senate's constitution and bylaws.

Senators are chosen by caucus from within the academic divisions. Four (4) senators serve per division including a minimum of (1) mandatory senator from the Heber Springs and Searcy campuses, collectively. Senators are elected to two-year terms. Faculty members are eligible to run for senator and participate in the electoral caucus by being full-time faculty members of the divisions represented.

The Faculty Senate appoints a full-time faculty member, generally the president, as its Shared Governance Cabinet representative, with full voting rights of the council. It is a one-year appointment. The Faculty Senate claims general power over the faculty and advisory and consultative power in conjunction with administrative and staff components of the college in all matters concerning the faculty.

Faculty Senate Officers AY 2024-25

President: Hope Hargrove
Vice: Kayla Sapkota
Secretary: Jodi Whitehurst
Past: Ryan Gibbons 

Arts & Humanities:
Pam Burke 
Justin Sangster
Amber Bramlett
Cindy Beck

Math & Science
Kyle Felling
Leslie Shults
Tonay Brownfield
Megan Cain

Career & Technology Education
Tom Hilman
Mike Hostetler
David Culwell
Michael Goodman

The Arkansas State University-Beebe Staff Senate is a representative body consisting of representatives elected from each of the five classifications of employees; professional, technical/para-professional, secretarial, service/maintenance, and skilled craftsmen. Senators are elected to two-year staggered terms.  Each campus is guaranteed at least one senator. The following officers are elected to one-year terms from those elected to be senators: president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. The immediate past president serves as an ex-officio member of the Staff Senate. The Staff Senate serves in an advisory role to the administration for future policy. The Staff Senate selects a representative to serve on the Shared Governance Council.

ASU-Beebe Board of Visitors, 2023

The ASU-Beebe Board of Visitors serves in an advisory role to aid in securing financial support, to make recommendations about the educational and service needs of the service area, and to provide counsel and guidance. Members of the ASU-Beebe Board of Visitors are selected by the ASU System president in cooperation and coordination with the ASU-Beebe chancellor.

ASU-Beebe Board of Visitors  (Member | Business/Industry | Term of Office)

Mr. Howard Chapin | Chair | First Security Bank, Retired | 2020-2027
Ms. Cathy Eoff | Vice Chair | Eoff & Associates Realty, Inc. | 2024-2031
Debbie Elgen | Edward Jones | 2023-2029
Dr. Hazel Dickey | ASU-Beebe, Retired | 2020-2027
Butch Rice | Stallion Transportation Group | 2020-2027
Dr. Dianne Logan | ASU-Beebe, Retired | 2022-2029

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