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Institutional Advancement

Institutional Advancement

The Office of Institutional Advancement

The Office of Institutional Advancement is responsible for creating awareness, building relationships and generating support for Arkansas State University-Beebe.  We work to enhance the image of the college, connect with our students, and engage alums, friends and the community to garner support for the college and its students.

With close collaboration, we communicate the proud tradition of ASU-Beebe as an affordable academic institution for pursuing an education and building on our distinguished reputation of providing outstanding leadership in learning and community involvement for over nine decades. 

We work to stay in touch with ASU-Beebe alums and employees to keep them informed of life on campus and ongoing events, get the college into the news, host special events and market the ASU-Beebe brand online and in the community.

Our Specialty Areas:
marketing and public relations, development/major gifts, special events/community relations, and alumni relations.


Andrea Cole | Associate VP Institutional Advancement

Charlene Chambers | Public Relations Coordinator

Noah T. Haile | Admin. Specialist Marketing and P.R.

Jason Marzewski | Graphic Designer

Important Info

Institutional Advancement Office
Ruth Couch Center Beebe Campus
Monday to Friday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

Contact Info

Andrea Cole | Interim Associate VP of Institutional Advancement
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