If there is a concern toward the possibility of a possible airborne or foodborne illness, notify your building proctor, dean or director of the affected facility. They in turn will notify the emergency management coordinator.
The emergency management coordinator will begin an immediate investigation to determine the nature of the illness and simultaneously contact the appropriate medical personnel for assistance. They will notify the Office of Student Life, medical personnel and will coordinate actions and activities as necessary.
Medical staff will authorize treatment on-site or transport of affected personnel to available medical facilities for treatment.
In the case of a pandemic threat, actions will be taken based on the location and level of transmission of a virus. Faculty, students and staff will be directed to follow actions given by the college based on the level of outbreak.
Support LinksPoison is a substance that through its chemical action can kill, injure or impair an organism. Acute poisoning is exposure to a poison on one occasion or during a short period of time. Symptoms develop as a result of exposure or in close proximity to a substance. Poisonous materials can be found in a variety of household items as well as in laboratory reagents and chemicals.
Many poisons react differently to various treatments, so if you suspect a victim has been poisoned through ingestion, inhalation or skin exposure
- Try to determine what the poisoning agent is.
- Call 911.
- Call Poison Control Center at 800.222.1222 for specific first aid instructions.
Support Links
Arkansas Poison Control Center
America's Poison Centers
Radiation is energy in the form of waves or moving subatomic particles. It can be classified in two categories: ionizing or non-ionizing. The most common use of the word radiation refers to ionizing radiation. Radioactive material is a physical material that emits ionizing radiation.
Ionizing radiation has many practical uses in medicine, research, construction and other areas. However, it also presents an external and internal health hazard to humans if used improperly.
For personnel injury involving radioactive material contamination
- Provide first aid immediately for serious injuries.
- Call 911.
- Notify Campus Police at 501.882.8851 and/or Emergency Management at 501.882.4469.
- Monitor the injury. If it is possible to remove the contaminated clothing without harming the victim, do so.
- Remove and bag all contaminated clothing.
- Call Campus Police at 501.882.8851 and/or Emergency Management at 501.882.4469 to report the incident.
- Skin contamination should be cleaned using mild soap and tepid water. Use portable survey meter to monitor for remaining contamination. If not free of contamination, re-wash and re-survey.
- Survey for contamination elsewhere on the body as well as on clothes, shoes, floor, door handles, telephones, etc.
- Document the entire incident with either a signed memo/letter or an email from an official college email account to the emergency management coordinator.
- Stop work and confine the spill immediately using an absorbent, enclosure, etc.
- Call Campus Police at 501.882.8851 and/or Emergency Management at 501.882.4469 to report the incident.
- Warn others of the hazard and isolate the area.
- Monitor personnel during and after cleanup for contamination.
- Collect all used cleanup materials as radioactive waste and bag all contaminated clothing or cleaning items for removal by authorized personnel.
- Commence wipe surveys and decontamination. Perform surveys of surrounding areas to ensure that all contaminated areas are identified.
- Document the entire incident with either a signed memo/letter or an email from an official college email account to the emergency management coordinator.
Many ASU-Beebe faculty, staff and students work directly or indirectly with materials which can be a source of infection or disease in the event of an injury or other unprotected exposure. In the event of any accident or injury involving known or potential exposure to biohazards, immediately report the incident to your supervisor and to the emergency management coordinator.
How do I report?
During regular college business hours, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., call the emergency management coordinator at 501.882-4469 or Campus Police at 501.882.8851.
Outside of regular college business hours, weekdays after 5 p.m., weekends and holidays, call Campus Police at 501.882.8851.
- Any skin piercing injury such as a cut, needle stick, scratch, etc. by an object contaminated with a biohazard.
- Any skin piercing injury such as a bite or scratch from an animal with a known or suspected disease infectious to people.
- Any known or suspected contact with a bat, even if the person has no visible bite or scratch.
- Any splash or spray of biohazard material into the eyes, nose, mouth or onto broken skin.
- Pathogens that can cause disease in humans: bacteria, parasites, viruses, toxins, fungi and prions.
- Materials such as blood, body fluids, unfixed tissues, or tissue cultures potentially containing pathogens.
- Recombinant DNA and/or RNA.
Give immediate first aid for minor injuries, including washing wounds with soap and water, or rinsing mucous membranes with water for 15 minutes to remove as much contaminated material as possible.