Full-Time Employee
As a new employee, you will be required to attend a new employee orientation meeting on your first day of employment. New employee orientations are conducted on the 1st and 16th of each month. If the 1st or 16th occurs on the weekend, orientation will be conducted on the first business day following. Please plan approximately 3 hours for orientation. During this time, you will receive information regarding benefits, complete applicable documents for employment and attend campus orientation. Usually, after your orientation, new employees will report to their new department for the remainder of the day. During your orientation session, you will be required to provide identification documentation for I-9 completion.
Additional documents required to be provided as follows:
- Proof of Prior Service (for state employees only)
- Evidence of insurability (proof of prior health insurance)
- Voided check or a form from your bank with the routing and account number for direct deposit
- Dependent information including social security numbers and birth dates for health insurance coverage and life insurance beneficiary information
- Proof of dependencies such as a marriage license or last year's tax return to cover your spouse and birth certificate, adoption decree or legal guardianship papers to cover any children on the ASU benefit plans
Adjunct Faculty / Part-Time / Extra Help Employees
As a new employee, you will be required to attend a new employee orientation meeting upon employment. The Office of Human Resources will contact you to schedule a time for the orientation. Please plan approximately 1.5 hours for orientation. During this time, you will complete the applicable documents for employment. Usually, after your orientation, new employees will report to their new department for the remainder of the day. During your orientation session, you will be required to provide identification documentation for I-9 completion.
Additional documents to be provided are as follows:
- Voided check or a form from your bank with the routing and account number for Direct Deposit
Part-Time Employee 403b Retirement Plan
403(b) Salary Reduction Plans - "Universal Availability": Part-time employees may participate in a supplemental retirement plan. This plan is available for all part-time, non-student employees who work more than 20 hours per week or more than 1,000 hours during the fiscal year. This plan is a non-matching plan. For additional information or to enroll in a 403(b) plan, contact human resources at 501.882.8967.
Social Security Alternative Plan
Effective Jan. 1, 2008, ASU-Beebe implemented the Social Security Alternative Plan for its part-time, temporary and seasonal employees. Rather than sending the customary 7.5% of salary to social security, ASU-Beebe will remit these dollars to a tax-sheltered annuity account in the employee's name. With the implementation of the alternative plan, employees will benefit through the following:
- Employees retain all earning credits, as well as social security benefits accumulated prior to enrollment in the alternative plan.
- If an employee is currently being paid social security income, it will not be affected.
- After the employee's first pay and data is remitted to TIAA, the employee will receive by mail an information packet from TIAA that includes their TIAA contract and certificate and a TIAA service directory.
- Initially, contributors will automatically be allocated to the money market account. Once you receive the information packet from TIAA, you can call their telephone counseling center at 1.800.842.2776 to change your allocation.