Each spring, Jim and Ann Webb coordinate a group reunion of students who attended from 1959 to 1961 at Arkansas State University-Beebe, formerly Arkansas State College-Beebe Branch.
Many in the group played basketball together at the college and have kept in touch over the years.
The former students and some of their spouses met for lunch and conversation on April 14 at JoJo’s Catfish Wharf in Mountain View.
Pictured, from left, front row: Ann Webb, Deborah McCurley, Yvonne Harrell Southard, also an alumna, and Carol Russell; middle row: Dr. David Mayes (ASU-Beebe vice chancellor for student services), Robert Killian, Gerald James, David L. Mayes, James Southard, Albert Fulks Jr. and Arnold Harris; back row: David McNeal, Jim Webb, Don Moore and Lyndall McCurley.
The ASU-Beebe Alumni Association has invited all alumni to return to campus for an Alumni Better Together! reunion, planned for Sept. 21-23. To view a full schedule and reserve tickets, visit www.GIVEASUB.com/alumnireunion.
For more information about programs offered at ASU-Beebe, call (501) 882-3600 or view the website at www.asub.edu.