WHO: Arkansas State University-Beebe Alumni
WHAT: Taking nominations for the annual “Outstanding Alumni” award
WHEN: Nominations accepted through April 14, 2023
WHERE: Use the online form or mail-in form available at: https://www.giveasub.com/outstandingalumni
A tradition for many years at ASU-Beebe, the Outstanding Alumni Award is the highest honor that ASU-Beebe bestows upon an alumnus. The opportunity to nominate an ASU-Beebe alum for 2023 is open until April 14.
The purpose is to recognize the educational and career achievements of ASU-Beebe alumni, their success as leaders in their professional field and the impact they have had and will continue to have on society and their profession. This award salutes the achievements of outstanding alumni whose personal lives, professional achievements and community service are considered outstanding role models for current students.
Andrea Cole, ASU-Beebe development officer/major gifts said, “ASU-Beebe has such a rich history being the oldest community college in the state. Many sat in our classrooms and walked in our halls. It is such an honor to recognize individuals who began their education right here at ASU-Beebe.”
Award recipients are selected based on the following criteria:
Be a graduate of ASU-Beebe
Have achieved significant recognition or accomplishment in their chosen field, community service or service to ASU-Beebe
If you would like to nominate someone or yourself for the 2023 award, please use the online form or download the PDF located on the webpage at https://www.giveasub.com/outstandingalumni and mail to ASU-Beebe, Attn: Advancement Office, P.O. Box 1000, Beebe, AR 72012.
Since all fields must be filled out to qualify, it is recommended you have all information about the nominee in hand before filling out the nomination form. The form requires all contact information and additional information as noted above. The deadline for nominations is April 14, 2023.