ASU-Beebe Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society received top awards at the PTK Catalyst International Convention in Columbus, Ohio, which was held April 20-22, 2023.
Dr. Jennifer Methvin, ASU-Beebe chancellor, received the national Paragon Award and Eddie Supratman, assistant professor of history and comparative religion, received the chapter adviser Paragon Award. ASU-Beebe’s PTK also received the top five regional award for the campus butterfly garden and certificate of merit for an ‘honors in action’ project.
Those attending the event were PTK members Sierra Miller, Steven Winchell, Alexandra Perez and Jacob Cater, along with PTK co-chairs Meredith Gordon, assistant professor of biology, Eddie Supratman and Dr. Jennifer Methvin.
Since the PTK chapter was chartered in April of 2022, membership has grown to 150 and reached the highest five-star level accomplishment during the first year. Over the past year, PTK has organized and sponsored more than 20 events.
“We want to thank our administration for their full support of the PTK and congratulate the PTK chapter members for their accomplishments. Great job to officers Sierra Miller and Steven Winchell, who have worked hard to lead the PTK chapter, and to co-advisor Meredith Gordon, assistant professor of biology, for her assistance in helping lead the organization,” said Supratman.
PTK Catalyst is Phi Theta Kappa’s premier annual event, bringing together members, advisors, and their supporters for professional development and celebration of the accomplishments of the PTK community.