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Outstanding Alumni


A tradition for many years at ASU-Beebe, the Outstanding Alumni Award is the highest honor that ASU-Beebe bestows upon an outstanding alum. The application process is simple and open to all. We encourage you to nominate someone you know for this honor.

The purpose of this award is to recognize the educational and career achievements of ASU-Beebe alums, their success as leaders in their professional field and the impact they have had and will continue to have on society and their profession. This award salutes the achievements of outstanding alums whose personal lives, professional achievements and community service and are considered outstanding role models for current students.

Award recipients are selected based on the following criteria:
  • Be a graduate of ASU-Beebe
  • Have achieved significant recognition or accomplishment in their chosen field, community service or service to ASU-Beebe.

Exclusions from Eligibility:
Members of the current faculty and staff of ASU-Beebe


If you would like to nominate someone for the Outstanding Alumni Award, please use the online form. All fields must be filled out to qualify. It is recommended you have all information about the nominee before filling out the nomination form. The form requires all contact information and additional information as noted above. 
Screening/Selection: The ASU-Beebe Selection Committee reviews eligible nominations. Award selections will be made in early June. Nominees not selected will be held over for reconsideration for additional years. If necessary, rollover nominations must be modified to fit within current guidelines/award criteria.
Notification: Immediately upon selection, award recipients and nominator(s) will be notified. Recipient names will be made public after award recipients agree to accept the award.

Contact Info

Andrea Cole | Associate VC of Institutional Advancement
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