ASU-Beebe Strategic Plan in Hand
The purpose of the institution is captured in its mission, vision and core values. The ASU-Beebe students, faculty, staff and stakeholders developed this strategic plan with great care, energy and imagination. Unanimously approved by the Arkansas State University System Board of Trustees, this plan will guide the institution to new heights.
Mission, Vision & Core Values
Priority One: Strengthen Enrollment and Student Success
Strategy 1: Create an enrollment management plan that focuses on reducing the gray box* by targeting recruitment of recent high school graduates and adults without college credentials.
Target: Increase the ASU-Beebe college going rate of high school seniors in the six-county service area from 12% to 17%.
Target: Increase unduplicated annual headcount enrollment from 4,027 to 5,000.
*The gray box refers to Arkansas high school graduates who did not matriculate to a higher education institution the fall semester following their graduation and/or Arkansas adults who have not attended higher education or who have some college but no certificate or degree.
Initial initiatives:
- Expand methods for delivering need-to-know information to potential students.
- Orchestrate interactions with potential non-traditional students within the community.
- Increase college funding opportunities for non-traditional students.
Strategy 2: Increase awareness of programs and the paths to their completion.
Target: Increase the number of annual program applications for first-time ASU-Beebe students from 2,157 to 2,600.
Target: Increase the number of annual FAFSA applications from 3,773 to 4,000.
Initial initiatives:
- Develop strategies to offer start-to-completion college and financial planning for high school students and their families.
- Expand efforts to supply promotional materials to potential non-traditional students that effectively communicate the affordability and value of a degree at ASU-Beebe.
- Provide open houses for all programs and divisions.
Strategy 3: Create comprehensive pathways for student support and engagement from enrollment to completion.
Target: Increase fall-to-spring persistence rates from 77% to 80%.
Target: Increase fall-to-fall retention rates from 57% to 60%.
Target: Increase the annual number of credentials from 1361 to 1800.
Initial initiatives:
- Design a comprehensive on-going advisor training program.
- Expand access to comprehensive mental health counseling services across campuses.
- Develop a parent and family engagement program.
Strategy 4: Ensure a smooth transition to transfer institutions.
Target: Reach a goal of 75% of students reporting satisfaction with “Transfer Services” on the Graduate Exit Survey.
Target: Increase the percentage of students on the transfer track who successfully transfer within one year after graduation from 65% to 72%.
Initial initiatives:
- Increase articulation agreements with transfer institutions.
- Enhance strategies to communicate transfer information early in the educational path.
- Design and offer early individualized planning.
Strategy 5: Enhance career services and job placement.
Target: Reach the goal of 75% of students reporting satisfaction with “Career Services/Job Placement” on the Graduate Exit Survey.
Initial initiatives:
- Expand career planning services for entering students.
- Increase experiential learning opportunities.
- Enhance career placement services.
Priority Two: Expand the Vanguard Impact
- Develop and maintain a centralized alumni database.
- Develop career and networking opportunities for alumni.
- Host regional, virtual, and campus alumni events.
- Expand industry, leadership, and upskilling opportunities and trainings.
- Collaborate with program advisory boards and vendors to expand partnerships of value.
- Seek and secure resources for workforce development.
- Grow the ASU-Beebe volunteer recognition program.
- Strengthen donor communications and giving through personalized engagement.
- Collaborate with local businesses and industry partners to support volunteer opportunities, sponsorships, and initiatives with ASU-Beebe.
- Strengthen college-wide collaboration to promote consistent messaging and branding among all departments.
- Implement data-driven, multi-channel marketing campaigns.
- Optimize enrollment pipelines with technology and predictive analytics.
Priority Three: Elevate the Employee Experience
- Create an onboarding checklist for faculty and staff.
- Create a one-month new employee survey.
- Create a one-year new employee survey.
- Develop a mentoring program.
- Create a leadership program for current and potential supervisory employees.
- Develop a competitive and sustainable pay structure by exploring area market analysis and other comprehensive data for two-year colleges in the state.
- Create opportunities for professional development that prepare employees for advancement opportunities.
- Provide communication training each semester for all employees through the Professional Development Program.
- Present professional development on the topic of communication in the Leadership Development Program for each cohort.